Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Away We Go!

Hello all! Thanks for joining me as I begin what promises to be an amazing journey - raising $7,000 for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute's Claudia Adams Barr Program for Innovative Basic Cancer Research (try saying THAT five times fast!).  Oh yeah, and running the Boston Marathon!  I think my feelings on that were best summed up by my mom when I told her that I was participating in the Dana Farber Marathon Challenge - "Wait, how long is a marathon? 26.2 miles?!  Seriously? That's a LONG way! 26.2 miles?!". 

It's hard to believe that less than two months ago I had never even heard of the Dana Farber Marathon Challenge... and, as a half-marathon lover, I kept promising myself I would never run a marathon.  See, I made the mistake of watching mile 23 of the Boston Marathon last year, and man, it looked ROUGH.  Half marathons were plenty enough for me, thank you very much.  Marathons just look so - hard! Of course, all my marathoner friends just smiled knowingly and told me I'd be on to marathons before I knew it.

So off I go.  I just got back from my first runner's meeting, and I'm officially excited to kick off my fundraising! Thanks to my first two fabulous donors for getting me started - $120 down, $6880 to go.  Hoo boy... ;)

Anyone else care to help me kick off this challenge? Just visit my personal fundraising website!


  1. Hi it's Helen from DFMC - got your blog URL and look forward to following! Take care and meet you soon - H./

  2. Hi Helen -

    Thanks for following! I loved your pictures of the googly-eyed bra on your blog - definitely made me laugh! Hope it didn't get too stretched out. ;) Look forward to meeting you and following your progress!

  3. Kelly, good luck with your training and fundraising. with you 1/2 marathon background this should be no problem at all for you. Good Luck!!
