Monday, March 22, 2010

Four weeks from today...

Four weeks from today, runners from all over the world will be gathering at the start line of  the Boston Marathon - one of the most famous marathons in the world.  That same day, a six year old little girl who has battled leukemia for the past two years will travel with her mother and sister to mile 25 of the marathon route to cheer on the runners who help make her innovative cancer treatments possible.  As her patient partner, I have come to know Chantal as a shy kid with a great sense of humor and a love of all things basketball – especially the Boston Celtics.  I even took her on at the basketball court last week – and while she can’t quite throw the ball into the basket yet, she definitely outmaneuvered me on the court!  While I get caught up in the fundraising and the training every once in a while, Chantal reminded me of what it’s really all about – coming up with cutting edge new cancer treatments so that someone like Chantal has a fighting chance.

Four weeks from today, I will do my best to honor all of the people I’m running in memory of – from Dr. Beverly Lumumba to Rose Pessemier, from mothers to sons, from aunts to grandparents.  Thanks to your generosity, I have currently raised $4,166.82 towards my goal of $7,000 – or 15.6 “miles” towards my finish line of 26.2 miles.  As I head into my highest mileage training week yet (I ran 18 miles yesterday, and 20 miles are coming up this Saturday!), I need your support to reach my real goal – supporting Dana Farber’s Claudia Adams Barr Program in Innovative Basic Cancer Research.  100% of each dollar you donate goes straight to cancer research!  To donate, please visit or fill out and mail in the attached form.   With only a few weeks left until the marathon, your help will make a HUGE difference towards meeting my goal!

To learn more about my training, feel free to read my articles in Harvard Business School’s newspaper, The Harbus: Article #1, Article #2, and Article #3.  Thank you all so much for your generous support and encouragement! 

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