Friday, January 29, 2010

The Red Party!

Hey all!

So it's been a while, but I've got some amazing updates:
  • For those of you at HBS, check out the article about my fundraising and training in Monday's Harbus! The HBS newspaper (especially Kay Fukunaga) has been so supportive and will be doing a regular feature on my preparations for the Boston Marathon.
  • For those of you who live in Boston, don't miss the Red Party! On Thursday, February 11, Redline Cambridge will be hosting this fabulous event to raise funds for cancer research.  The night will feature a DJ, free appetizers, a prize drawing, and lots of good-looking, generous people dressed up in their finest red attire!  Click here to find out more and to buy tickets: Tickets are going to sell FAST, so don't wait!
  • On that note, I am seriously humbled by the incredible, generous businesses we have in Harvard Square.  After a few hours of walking around today (SO cold, but so worth it!), I'm proud to announce the following new items for the Red Party prize drawings:
    • A $50 gift certificate to Redline Cambridge
    • A taco bar for 20 PEOPLE! from Qdoba Mexican Grill
    • 4 pounds of gourmet coffee beans from Starbucks
    • A $30 gift certificate to John Harvard'
    • An ultra-nice Champion Harvard Business School sweatshirt from J. August
    • Lots of other great prizes coming soon!
Aside from that, training has been so amazing these past few weeks.  The chance to train at altitude in Denver while I was home really stepped up my game, and my runs back here at HBS have felt great!  I haven't missed a workout yet since getting here, and I've never felt more postive and energetic (or hey, chock full of endorphines!).  If this week was any proof, it's going to be a crazy semester of training, studying, fundraising, singing with the She-E-O's, job hunting, working, and having a great time with my HBS friends while I'm still lucky enough to have them all in one place. 

In summary: bring it on. ;)

See you all at the Red Party!

Monday, January 11, 2010

I heart Colorado

Okay, so admittedly, last week's weather sucked.  Cold, snow, ice, wind - I ran in just about everything Old Man Winter had to throw at me.  Of course, the rapidly changing weather in Colorado can be a great thing too - it's supposed to be 60 degrees tomorrow (and warm the rest of the week!), and I literally cannot wait to strap on my shoes and hit the pavement.

Running shout-out of the week - Ross can be a sketchtastic store, but it has some of the best fitness gear - sweats, shirts, sports bras - you name it!  They've got great brands like Nike, Reebok, Jansport, Columbia, etc. for like, 5 or 10 bucks.  I think I'm going to have to ship a box of running gear back what with all the comfy cold weather running clothes I've acquired from Ross and "Santa"!  It's a great problem to have. :)

Second shout-out of the week? The Biggest Loser.  That stinkin' show makes me tear up about 8 times an episode, and this season has been especially inspiring to me.  I mean, come on, can I really not work up the energy to run for 45 minutes when a 513 pound man just biked for 26.2 miles and lost 30 pounds in one week?  Jillian Michaels is a big-time favorite of mine - her "Banish Fat and Boost Metabolism" workout video literally kicks my butt.  Like, so much that it took me three tries before I was even able to finish the video!  Every time I do, I feel like I should get a medal or something.  This whole Biggest Loser franchise is apparently working for me. ;)

One final thing - I get to "meet my match" on January 30!  I am so excited to meet Chantal,  a six year old little girl who has been struggling with cancer for quite a while now.  I am so humbled by the fact that I get to "run for her" - it is a truly amazing part of the Dana Farber Marathon Challenge experience.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Live and Learn...

A few things I've learned in the last few days:

1. I am so, so lucky - in more ways than I can cover in a blog post.  I came to this realization when I had the honor of being assigned a DFMC "patient partner" - meaning, a child who is currently struggling with cancer who is being treated at Dana Farber.  Finding out about a six year old little girl who is dealing with cancer instead of enjoying the fun of being a kid is incredibly humbling - and I feel honored that I get to meet her and share a bit of her life.

2. On a much less inspiring note, Jack Fultz isn't kidding when he talks about layering during the winter months - I ran my 4.3 miles today in sub-20 degree, humid weather and wore only running tights on the bottom, and my legs (quite literally!) froze and are still in the process of returning to normalhuman temperatures.  This tells me that either A.) Nike running tights are inferior, which wouldn't shock me or B) I should have worn some fleece on top or thermals underneath - any suggestions?  It's definitely not going to get any warmer when I go back to Boston!

3. I thought that becoming a serious runner would pretty much guarantee that I look like a big dork - I mean, the running tights, the hydration belt, the hat with the ponytail hole, the crazy looking sweaty person running around Cheesman Park in the cold with a frozen butt... but actually, when I pile on all my cold weather gear, I feel pretty cool.  It's funny how a simple thing like running can make you feel like a part of something.

I hope the start of the New Year is treating you all well!


Monday, January 4, 2010

Update time... ;)

I've been admittedly bad at updating my blog over the holidays - so here's a New Years-inspired fresh start!

Best New Years Surprise... EVER!
I am so excited to share that my generous and wonderful boss from LifeBound, Carol Carter, has decided to sponsor my run for Dana Farber with a $1,000 donation!

New Races to Run
As part of my training, I've signed up for the St. Patrick's Day 5K in Davis Square on March 14, the Hyannis Half Marathon on Febrary 28, and am considering the Super Sunday 10K on February 7 - anyone want to join me?  :)

Miles to run this week: 20
Funds raised so far: $1,776.20

Here's wishing all of you a wonderful and successful 2010 - thank you all so much for your support!
