Monday, January 11, 2010

I heart Colorado

Okay, so admittedly, last week's weather sucked.  Cold, snow, ice, wind - I ran in just about everything Old Man Winter had to throw at me.  Of course, the rapidly changing weather in Colorado can be a great thing too - it's supposed to be 60 degrees tomorrow (and warm the rest of the week!), and I literally cannot wait to strap on my shoes and hit the pavement.

Running shout-out of the week - Ross can be a sketchtastic store, but it has some of the best fitness gear - sweats, shirts, sports bras - you name it!  They've got great brands like Nike, Reebok, Jansport, Columbia, etc. for like, 5 or 10 bucks.  I think I'm going to have to ship a box of running gear back what with all the comfy cold weather running clothes I've acquired from Ross and "Santa"!  It's a great problem to have. :)

Second shout-out of the week? The Biggest Loser.  That stinkin' show makes me tear up about 8 times an episode, and this season has been especially inspiring to me.  I mean, come on, can I really not work up the energy to run for 45 minutes when a 513 pound man just biked for 26.2 miles and lost 30 pounds in one week?  Jillian Michaels is a big-time favorite of mine - her "Banish Fat and Boost Metabolism" workout video literally kicks my butt.  Like, so much that it took me three tries before I was even able to finish the video!  Every time I do, I feel like I should get a medal or something.  This whole Biggest Loser franchise is apparently working for me. ;)

One final thing - I get to "meet my match" on January 30!  I am so excited to meet Chantal,  a six year old little girl who has been struggling with cancer for quite a while now.  I am so humbled by the fact that I get to "run for her" - it is a truly amazing part of the Dana Farber Marathon Challenge experience.

Have a great week!

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