Sunday, November 29, 2009


Hey all!

I have finally emerged from my Thanksgiving food coma to write my next blog post - hooray! Did my first few runs in Denver over the long Thanksgiving weekend - the altitude is KILLER, but six weeks of winter break training at 5,280 feet should get me more than ready to come back and run in the chilly Boston weather!  Speaking of cold weather, I had an awesome Black Friday experience - my mom and I waited in the cold outside Sports Authority at 4 in the morning because they were giving away gift cards to the first 80 customers - and I won $110!  I am SO ready to rock the winter running with my sparkly new running tights, fleece gloves, hydration belt, heart rate monitor, etc. - bring on the cold weather runs!

On other topics, I just downloaded the training calendar for the Boston Marathon from Dana Farber, and it's... well, it's flippin' intimidating. 3-4 days of running a week, plus cross training and strength work... Do I really have the discipline to work out every day?  What about class and homework? And rehearsal for the She-E-O's?  And watching Glee/Biggest Loser/Modern Family? (Thank God for online episodes, eh?)

Guess I need to get better at setting aside dedicated time every day for working out - I have a history of "spurts" of dedicated workouts followed by similar spurts of couch-potato-dom.  Time to psych myself up for the next 5 months...  Oh, and make it through final papers, exams, and prepare for the She-E-O's/Heard on the Street a cappella concert on December 9th (come see us sing if you're in Boston!).

I hope everyone had a relaxing, fun Thanksgiving weekend.  Less than a month until Christmas!


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